Since May 2016, the Directorate of Drugs and Medical Supplies (DDMS) and SIAPS have supported district health management teams (DHMTs) to implement the continuous results monitoring and support system (CRMS) in their respective health facilities. By the end of 2017, 10 of the 13 districts and more than 1,000 health facilities had conducted three rounds of quarterly CRMS supervisions, reviewed the evidence in stakeholder review workshops, and produced reports. The indicators tracked are generally classified as service indicators (monitoring treatment uptake, consumption, stock status, and rational use) and system indicators (monitoring availability and functioning of information systems and forms, storage and handling, availability of skilled staff, and capacity building). CRMS supervisors use a checklist and various tools and forms to complete their findings and observations; they also provide real-time mentorship and support to address challenges. The findings and observations of CRMS exercises are summarized and presented to key stakeholders and owners of the system in a CRMS review forum where actionable plans are discussed and operationalized by the next quarterly exercise. The purpose of this standard operating procedure (SOP), which was prepared as a job aid, is to provide a frame of reference for implementing a CRMS to conduct comprehensive, participatory, and responsive monitoring using the first exercise as a baseline to track trends in improvement following continuous engagement of target facilities. This approach is in line with supportive supervision and monitoring system but is more proactive and action oriented.
- Standard Operating Procedures for Planning and Implementing a Continuous Results Monitoring and Support System in Sierra Leone at the Primary Health Unit Level — View | Download