To promote a systems-strengthening approach to TB medicines management, the USAID-funded Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program developed QuanTB—a downloadable, desktop tool that transforms complicated calculations into a user-friendly dashboard displaying key quantification and supply planning information. By alerting users to risks of stock outs, QuanTB operates as an early warning mechanism.
QuanTB allows you to forecast needs of tuberculosis medicines and treatment regimens for any period of time. Forecasting can be done by:
- The number of enrolled and expected cases per month or by percentage of use of each medicine
- Either multi-drug or single-drug regimens
For cases currently on treatment, QuanTB takes into account the month when treatment was started and the duration of regimen. The system also takes into account the medicines currently in stock (stock on hand), and the medicines on order (stock on order) during the reference and the forecasting periods. This tool also allows you to project your future procurement and budget needs.
You may download the QuanTB software from https://siapsprogram.org/quantb/.
We would appreciate your testing of this tool under different scenarios and providing feedback, comments, and suggestions. Please send your comments to quantb@msh.org. You may also visit the QuanTB forum at http://mshforums.org/forums/forum/quantb/ for support.