A family planning quantification exercise was conducted with technical assistance from SIAPS and participation of all major stakeholders. The objective was to produce a forecast and supply plan for the period April 2016–March 2019. The results of this quantification exercise will be used to plan, mobilize, and secure financial resources for the quantification period. The quantification exercise results will assist in establishing the quantities of commodities to be procured in each quarter. Two forecasting methods—demographic/morbidity and consumption—were employed for this exercise, with the demographic/morbidity method as the main method. The demographic/morbidity method was used for all FP commodities except condoms and emergency contraceptive oral pills. Forecast requirements were established for the nation, public sector, and private sector. However, procurement requirements were established for the public sector only. The quantification included requirements for male condoms for the prevention of STIs, including HIV, in addition to FP.