
Project Dates: September 2011 – September 2015

Lesotho is a country threatened by HIV and AIDS.  According to the Demographic and Health Survey 2009 report, overall adult prevalence was estimated to be 23%.  Challenges with managing this problem result from an unreliable supply chain of essential medicines, which is further compounded by a lack of knowledge surrounding the quality of the medicines that are circulating the country.  Lesotho also has the third highest TB notification rate globally and is additionally challenged by rising HIV and TB co-infection rates.

SIAPS’ predecessor – Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems Program (SPS) – had made several strides in developing an integrated patient management information system.  In 2009, the United States Government and Government of Lesotho achieved a momentous milestone in the development and adoption of the Partnership Framework to Support Implementation of the Lesotho National HIV and AIDS Response, resulting in a roadmap for improved collaboration and increased alignment among the two parties.

SIAPS, building upon the progress made by its predecessors, is working to reduce morbidity and mortality and provide essential services to those living with, or affected by, HIV and AIDS.  This will be accomplished by expanding access to treatment, strengthening human resource capacity, strengthening laboratory supply chain, and strategic information support. The strategic focus of SIAPS is on assuring the availability of quality pharmaceutical products and services to achieve desired health outcomes.  SIAPS will additionally focus on improving metrics, monitoring and evaluation, capacitating local governments and organizations, and increasing country ownership in all its interventions.