The US Agency for International Development (USAID) Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) program is helping Cameroon’s Ministry of Health (MOH) to improve pharmaceutical management systems so they ensure availability and use of medicines for improving health outcomes. One component of this support is strengthening the warehouse management systems in “La Centrale Nationale d’Approvissionnement en Medicaments et Consommables Medicaux Essentiels” (CENAME) and six Centres d’Approvissionnement Regionaux (CAPRs) in selected locations regarding management and accountability of the key health commodities used for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). This support extends from basic warehouse operations management technical support to capacity building of warehouse staffs and infrastructure development. In the last several months, SIAPS/Cameroon has increased the storage capacity of the rented warehouses of CENAME by installing 284 racks/shelves.
The report focuses on short-term immediate actions that can be taken based on the observations we made during this exercise. The key findings show the challenges that exist regarding space, organization, and availability of warehouse accessories. The major area of need is the reorganization of CENAME to optimize available space by consolidating the same types of products in one warehouse rather than storing these products in different locations. By doing so, better inventory control and management can be achieved.