This manual is intended to assist therapeutic committees (TCs) in monitoring medicine use in their health facilities through regular medicine use evaluations (MUEs). The manual lists and describes the various steps involved in conducting an MUE. It also:
- describes the conditions of rational use of medicines (RUM)
- describes the extent and nature of the inappropriate use of medicines
- seeks to raise awareness of practices that lead to the development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
- describes and discusses irrationalities pertaining to the use of antimicrobials, including those used in the treatment of HIV and AIDS and TB
- helps TCs to understand the adverse impacts of inappropriate medicine use
- highlights roles of TCs in promoting RUM
- supports TCs in designing action plans to improve medicine use in their health facilities
- supports TCs in drafting interventions to improve poor performance as it relates to the pharmaceutical management information system (PMIS), supportive supervision visits (SSVs), and antiretroviral therapy (ART) early warning indicators (EWIs) of HIV drug resistance (HIV-DR).