The US Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program, in collaboration with the Stop TB Partnership Global Drug Facility, hosted a technical conference titled, “Building the Post-2015 Agenda: Novel Approaches to Improving Access to TB Medicines and Pharmaceutical Services” from March 2-6, 2015 at the Conrad Bangkok Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand.
The conference featured country experiences using tested approaches to prevent TB medicine stock-outs, increase TB case detection through private sector engagement, and ensure patient safety during TB treatment.
Where can I learn about previous conferences?
1st Conference on Pharmaceutical Management for TB and M/XDR-TB for WHO European Region
Fighting Drug-Resistant TB in the 21st Century: Novel Approaches to Improving Access to anti-TB Medicines and Pharmaceutical Services
Antalya, Turkey
December 2013
Africa TB Conference 2012
2nd Africa TB Regional Conference on Management of TB Medicines
Zanzibar, Tanzania
December 2012
Africa TB Conference 2011
Fighting Drug Resistant TB in the 21st Century: Novel Approaches to Pharmaceutical Management
Johannesburg, South Africa
July 2011
Who should I contact if I have other questions?
For additional information, please email the Conference Planning Committee at