Congratulations to our SIAPS team in the Philippines!

USAID/Manila has submitted a success story from SIAPS/Philippines to be considered for inclusion in the U.S. Congressional Report. The success story, Grassroots Leadership and Management Improve the TB Control Program for the Urban Poor in Quezon City, Philippines, reports on how USAID-funded SIAPS partnered with the local municipal TB Management Council in a poor settlement of Quezon City to build program leadership and management at the grassroots level. The objective was to allow the community stakeholders to take ownership in managing the TB program in their community.  The result was a significant increase in the number of TB cases detected and treated in 2012 than previous years.

SIAPS’s system-strengthening approach to improve the management of integrated TB services—from prevention and accurate diagnosis to treatment and case management—builds on promoting leadership and management at the grassroots level.
