The National Malaria Control Program (PNLP), with technical support from the Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services Program and funded by the US Agency for International Development, organized a training workshop on the quantification of antimalarials at the Hotel Columbus on May 7–9, 2013. It was attended by actors involved in needs estimation. This training will contribute to the improvement of continuous availability of antimalarials for better management of patients. The opening ceremony was presided over by the director of the PNLP, Dr. Klénon Traore, and attended by USAID/PMI representative Dr. Aboubacar Sadou.

In Mali, the estimation of real needs for antimalarials poses enormous problems because of the difficulties faced by the quantification committee, which include insufficient coordination, a lack of reliable historic consumption data, and a lack of respect of malaria case management directives. These difficulties do not permit a good quantification of antimalarials to be carried out in the country: as a result, stock-outs have been observed at both the national level and at the level of malaria case management centers.
With the goal of improving quantification to ensure the continuous availability of antimalarials in care centers, the PNLP organized this training workshop to strengthen the capacity of the principal actors involved in the needs forecasting exercise. This workshop was attended by executives (pharmacists and oth
er staff) from the central and regional levels, as well as certain nongovernmental organizations involved in the management of antimalarials.
The participation of regional actors allowed them to better grasp the necessity of collecting and transmitting information: this has been a major challenge to the quantification activity.

During the three days of the training, the participants learned about principle methods, necessary data, and formulation of hypotheses for quantification. The training method centered on presentations followed by discussions and practical exercises during which the participants created a national quantification improvement plan.
The following testimonies from participants illustrate the success of this quantification training:
Testimony of Dr. Klénon Traoré, PNLP Director: “The actors needed this quantification training, and the different sessions met their expectations. It will be necessary to implement and monitor the national quantification improvement plan.”
Testimony of Dr. Makan Touré, Directorate of Pharmaceuticals and Medicines: “The workshop was much appreciated: the facilitators understood the subject matter and could transfer their knowledge well. The participation of regional pharmacists was well perceived, since these are the responders from the national level for input management. Their presence will allow them to understand the difficulties involved in quantification and the need for them to obtain complete and timely data to facilitate the quantification committee’s work.”
Testimony of Dr. Timothée Dougnon, Regional Pharmacist: “The workshop met our expectations to learn how to obtain detailed information on quantification and to develop a quantification plan. The participants who are members of the quantification team at the central level are now better equipped to carry out quantification through a scientific process involving the formulation of hypotheses.”