Featured Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Country Representative Dr. Phillipe Tshiteta, a physician by training, has brought considerable experience to MSH. Before joining MSH, Dr. Tshiteta provided the critical leadership needed to make the DRC’s Drug Regulatory Authority functioning after decades of chaos. He led the launch of the Presidential Malaria Initiative-funded commodities in DRC.  Dr. Tshiteta also assisted the DRC to become the 99th full member of the WHO International Medicines Monitoring body in Uppsala through the National Centre for Pharmacovigilance at the University of Kinshasa.  Today, Dr. Tshiteta is MSH’s Country Representative and manages SIAPS/DRC, among other projects.

SIAPS/DRC is responding to the enormous challenges of a broken public health system in a country recovering from the effects of long-standing conflict. An area of focus is maternal and child health. SIAPS/DRC, along with key stakeholders, reviewed and updated the national essential medicines list to include misoprostol to prevent and treat postpartum hemorrhage and chlorhexidine for umbilical cord care.