Since its launch in 2003, the NHIS has been struggling to overcome and manage shortcomings in its medicines benefit program (MBP), which is under the overall operation of the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA). Examples of identified deficiencies that need to be addressed include: frequency of the update of selected medicines; inadequacy of prices quoted … Read more
Download Monitoring adverse drug reactions is becoming a priority for public health programs involved in large scale-ups of new essential medicines. Under an interagency agreement between the US Food and Drug Administration and the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the SPS program assessed pharmacovigilance activities of 32 PHPs in sub-Saharan Africa. Poster displayed at … Read more
A Boni, Assessment, Burundi, D Lee, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, HIV/AIDS, HL Choi, Immunization, J Nwokike, Journal Article, Kenya, Malaria., Nigeria, Pharmacovigilance, Senegal, Tanzania, tuberculosis, Uganda