Procurement Planning for Medicines and Supplies in the Public Health System of the Dominican Republic

Until 2010, the estimates and planning for the purchase of medicines and supplies in the public sector of the Dominican Republic were carried out in each individual health establishment without a standardized methodology. Within the framework of implementing the Integrated System for Medicine and Supply Management (Sistema Único de Gestión de Medicamentos e Insumos, or SUGEMI), the National Medicine and Supply Management Unit (Unidad Nacional de Gestión de Medicamentos e Insumos, or UNGM) of the National Health Service (Servicio Nacional de Salud, or SNS), with the support of the Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program, began using a standardized methodology for national planning exercises for purchasing in 2011. These exercises necessitated first development of a manual for estimation and planning of purchases (Manual de Estimación y Programación para la Compra) and subsequently catalogs of medicines, medical-surgical supplies, and laboratory reagents and equipment.

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